Thursday, April 13, 2017

Dandelion Greens. 4.12.17

Good time for dandelion greens.  High in calcium, iron, minerals, and multiple vitamins.  I save the biggest plants for my salad raised bed.  Excellent, hardy, very early perennial vegetable.  Dandelions have been culinary and herbal stables for centuries in many countries.  It's too bad they are not better accepted here.  We like them in Spring salads.  The chickens love eating them any time.

This plant was in the yard.  It was so lush, I intend to dig it up and transplant to my perennial vegetable bed.


  1. A nice thing to have when there's lack of greens available early in spring. I've find them very tasty when lightly saute with a little chop garlic and olive oil. I like them tender and mild and when the lettuce and other greens doesn't do well, the chicory and dandelions so very well.

  2. Thanks for the cooking advice! We will have to try that.
